Upcoming Events
Workshop: The Role of Social Categories in Human Interaction
Mark Sicoli (The University of Virginia)
Past Events
“Managing Competing Demands in Interaction: Identity, Cognition, and Affiliation” a workshop organized by Giovanni Rossi and Tanya Stivers. May 27-28, 2023 | Royce Hall
Lal Zimman (UC Santa Barbara) “‘She wanna blame it on the edit: The raciogendered politics of interaction on (and off) RuPaul’s Drag Race.” May 17, 2023 | Haines Hall
Alexandra Paxton (University of Connecticut) “Dynamical, Situated, and Wild: Attempts to Capture the Glorious Mess of Social Interaction.” April 12, 2023 | Haines Hall
Steven R. Quartz (Caltech) “Bentham’s Error: Social Neuroscience and the Interpersonal Foundations of Ethics.” March 8, 2023 | Haines Hall
Natasha Shrikant (University of Colorado – Boulder) “Categorization as a personal and political act: Membership Categorization Analysis and ‘race talk’ in institutional contexts” January 11, 2023 | Haines Hall
Marisa Casillas (University of Chicago) “Becoming a conversational participant” November 12, 2022 | Haines Hall
Waverly Duck (UC Santa Barbara) “How I Learned What I Learned: Using Interaction Orders to Study ‘Troubled’ Interactions” October 12, 2022 | Haines Hall
“The Unexpected: A Dialogic Symposium in Honor of Alessandro Duranti” May 19-20, 2022 | James West Alumni Center
Joanne Golann (Vanderbilt University) “Using Video-Ethnographic Data to Study In-Home Parenting Practices” May 4, 2022 | Haines Hall
Federico Rossano (University of California, San Diego) “How to Study the Interaction Order in Non-human Animals?: Challenges and Opportunities” March 9, 2022 | Haines Hall
Rick Dale (University of California, Los Angeles) “Talking in Time: Multimodal Dynamics and the Puzzle of Coordination” February 23, 2022 | Haines Hall
Hansun Zhang Waring (Teachers College, Columbia University) “Collaboration without Competition: Doing being a Band at the Dinner Table” February 9, 2022 | Haines Hall
Ananda M. Marin (University of California, Los Angeles) “‘What do you believe in? Loch Ness Monster or Bigfoot?’: The Role of Place and Stories in the Co-Creation of Learning/Teaching Contexts” December 1, 2021 | Haines Hall
Matthias R. Mehl (University of Arizona) “The Sounds of Social Life Project: Observing Language and Interactions IRL”
October 27, 2021 | Haines Hall
Shrikanth (Shri) Narayanan (University of Southern California) “Human-centered Multimodal Machine Intelligence”
October 13, 2021 | UCLA Haines Hall
Douglas Maynard (University of Wisconsin, Madison) and Jason Turowetz (University of Siegen, Germany)
“On Autistic Intelligence and Autism Diagnosis” April 29, 2021 | hosted on Zoom
Kaoru Hayano (Japan Women’s University) “Reporting for and about a child: Addressing a child in talk between nursery teachers and parents” March 10, 2021 | hosted on Zoom
Dan Jurafsky (Stanford University) “‘Does This Vehicle Belong to You?’: Extracting Social Meaning from Language by Computer” January 20, 2021 | hosted on Zoom
Steven Clayman (University of California, Los Angeles) “Asking About Bias: Addressing the Sensitivities of Voir Dire Questioning” November 18, 2020 | hosted on Zoom
Norma Mendoza-Denton (University of California, Los Angeles) “Teaching Language and Politics in the Trump Era” October 28, 2020 | hosted on Zoom
Susan Gal (University of Chicago) “Making Politics with Speech Registers: Authority and Circulation in Europe,” April 10, 2020, UCLA Haines Hall
Shannon Ward (University of British Columbia) “Spatializing Kinship: Amdo Tibetan Children’s uses of Deixis”, March 11th, 2020, UCLA Haines Hall
Steven P. Black (Georgia State University) “Mediatization and Ethico-Moral Discourses of Care in Global Health: Part of the Global Health Discourses Project,” February 27th, 2020, UCLA Haines Hall
CLIC Symposium on “Processes of Inclusion and Exclusion in Interaction” ft Maisa Taha, Galina Bolden, Stefan Timmermans, Iddo Tavory, Mara Green, Junko Mori, Candy Goodwin, and Sara Goico, February 21st, 2020, UCLA Royce Hall
Xiaoting Li (University of Alberta) “Interpersonal Touch in Mandarin Conversation,” October 24th, 2019, UCLA Haines Hall
Jan P. de Ruiter (Tufts University) “The Sub-Atomic Structure of Social Signals,” October 10, 2019, UCLA Haines Hall
Workshop on “The Nature of Police-Citizen Interactions” ft Laurence Ralph, Nicole Holliday, Forrest Stuart, Mardi Kidwell, Geoffrey Raymond, and Norma Mendoza-Denton, February 8-9, 2019, UCLA Haines Hall
CLIC Symposium “Simultaneity in Action” ft Asta Cekaite, Donald Favareau, Christian Heath, Lourdes de Leon, Lorenza Mondada, Jurgen Streeck, April 28, 2017, UCLA Alumni Center
“Charles & Marjorie Goodwin Career Retrospective” ft Charles Goodiwn, Marjorie Goodwin, Arnulf Deppermann, Christian Heath, Adam Kendon, Lorenza Mondada, April 27, 2017, UCLA Alumni Center
Alexa Hepburn (Rutgers University) “Responding to Emotion: The Interactional Production of Empathy and Sympathy” April 19, 2017, UCLA Haines Hall 352
CLIC “Panel on Interdisciplinary Research” ft Greg Bryant, Steven Clayman, John Heritage, Norma Mendoza-Denton, April 5, 2017, UCLA Haines Hall 352
Mark Dingemanse (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics) “Recruiting Assistance in Interaction: Recruitments in Siwu and Beyond” February 22, 2017, UCLA Haines Hall 352
Justin B Richland (University of Chicago) “Consulting Culture: Talking Norms and Stating Facts in a Hopi-US Regulatory Encounter in the Tonto National Forest” February 8, 2017, UCLA Haines Hall 279
Anita Pomerantz “Some Inferential Work of 911 Dispatchers” January 25, 2017, UCLA Haines Hall 279
Lori Labotka (Indiana University of Pennsylvania) “Scripting Power in Prison Discipline” November 30, 2016, UCLA Haines Hall 279
Sarah Hillewaert (University of Toronto, Mississauga) “Being a Respectful Urbanite: Everyday Negotiations of Virtue Ethics among Muslim Women in Coastal Kenya” November 2, 2016, UCLA Haines Hall 352
Athena Vouloumanos (New York University) “Building a communication system in infancy” May 4, 2016, 5-7PM, UCLA Haines Hall 352
CLIC GSA Conference, April 21-23, 2016, UCLA Kerckhoff Grand Salon
Herbert Clark (Stanford University) “Depiction-in-Interaction” April 4, 2016, 5-7PM, UCLA Haines Hall 352
Robin Conley (Marshall University) “Agents of the State: Narratives of Killing in State Contexts” March 2, 2016, 5-7PM, UCLA Haines Hall 352
CLIC Workshop on “Body Talk”, February 19-20, 2016, UCLA Haines Hall 352
Nicholas Harkness (Harvard University) “Glossolalia, Cacophony, Intensity” January 13, 2016, 5-7PM, UCLA Haines Hall 352
Penelope Eckert (Stanford University) “Sociolinguistic Variation and Degrees of Embodiment” December 2, 2015, 5-7PM, UCLA Haines Hall 352
Ritva Laury (University of Helsinki), co-sponsored with ALC Linguistics Colloquium Series, “The clause as a unit in grammar and interaction: The case of Finnish and Japanese” November 12, 2015, UCLA Royce Hall 243
Merran Toerien (University of York) “The single-option dilemma: some challenges for clinicians offering
patient choice in practice” October 28, 2015, UCLA Haines Hall 352
Danielle Pillet-Shore (University of New Hampshire) “Praising, Criticizing and Preference: Insights from Parent-Teacher Interaction.” Wednesday, May 6, 2015, 5-7PM, Haines 352
Marco Jacquemet (University of San Francisco) “Searching for Proper Names: The Return of Denotation in Transidiomatic Interactions”. Wednesday, April 8, 2015, 5-7PM, Haines 352
Miyako Inoue (Stanford University) “Paper Democracy: Introducing the Filing System in the Post-War Japanese Prosecutor’s Office.” Wednesday, February 25, 2015, 5-7PM, Haines 352
CLIC Symposium on “Cooperation in Language, Interaction, and Culture” Friday, February 6, 2015, UCLA Faculty Center
Magnus Course (University of Edinburgh) “In Defense of Ethnographic Particularism”. Wednesday, November 12, 2014, 5-7PM, Haines 352
Felicia Roberts (Purdue University) An Interdisciplinary Approach to Studying Turn-Taking: The EEG Meets Conditional Relevance. Wednesday, October 29, 2014, 5-7PM, Haines 352
Michael Lempert (University of Michigan) “Unconventional Resemblance: Affinity in Hillary Clinton’s Political Gestures” Wednesday, October 15, 2014, 5-7PM, Haines 352
CLIC-GSA Conference, Thursday-Saturday, May 1-May 3, 2014
Ayala Fader (Anthropology, Fordham University) “Moral Panic in Jewish Brooklyn: Religious Orthodoxy and the Internet” Wednesday, April 9, 2014, 5-7PM, Haines 352
About Face Workshop, Friday and Saturday, February 7-8, 2014
Dan Zahavi (Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen) “Empathy, the second-person perspective and the we” Wednesday, January 22, 2014, 5-7PM, Haines 352
Joe Errington (Anthropology, Yale University) “Other Indonesians: nationalism in an un-native language” Wednesday, January 15, 2014, 5-7PM, Haines 352
Eve Clark (Linguistics, Stanford University) “Interaction, Feedback, and Language Acquisition” Wednesday, November 6, 2013, 5-7PM, Haines 352
Johannes Rieken (Methodology, London School of Economics) “An Analysis of Video Data of Police Practice in the Field” Wednesday, October 16, 2013, 5-7PM, Haines 352
Mark Sicoli (Linguistics, Georgetown University) “Sociality in Actions for Others: Requesting and Offering in Lachixío Zapotec” Wednesday, October 2, 2013, 5-7PM, Haines 352
Bambi Schieffelin (Anthropology, New York University) Title TBA. Wednesday, May 1, 2013, 5-7PM, Haines 352
CLIC Symposium on “Political Language and Crises of Democracy” Friday, February 8, 2013, UCLA Faculty Center
Gareth Walker (School of English Literature, Language and Linguistics, University of Sheffield) Wednesday, January 16, 2013, 5-7PM, Haines 352
John Haviland (Anthropology, University of California San Diego) “Building up and tearing down: emerging grammar and ideology in a miniscule “speech (sign) community” Wednesday, November 28, 2012, 5-7PM, Haines 352
H. Samy Alim (School of Eduation, Stanford University) “Articulate While Black: Barack Obama, Language, and Race in the U.S.” Wednesday, October 31, 2012, 5-7PM, Haines 352
Mary Bucholtz (Linguistics, University of California Santa Barbara) “Youth as language researchers in an engaged linguistic anthropology” Wednesday, October 17, 2012, 5-7PM, Haines 352
CLIC-GSA Conference, Thursday-Saturday, May 10-May 12, 2012
Richard Ashley (Music Theory and Cognition, Northwestern University) “Interaction and timing in jazz and funk”Wednesday, April 11, 2012 5-7 PM, Haines 352
Richard Bauman (Folklore & Ethnomusicology, Anthropology, Communication & Culture, Indiana University Bloomington) ” ‘Accordin’ to the Gospel of Etymology’: Burlesque Sermons on Early Commercial Sound Recordings”Wednesday, April 4, 2012, 5-7 PM, Haines 352
Galina Bolden (Communication, Rutgers) “Repair and epistemics in multiperson conversation” Wednesday, February 29, 2012, 5-7 PM, Haines 352
Workshop on Timing and Temporality, Friday and Saturday, February 10-11, 2012
Janet McIntosh (Anthropology, Brandeis University) “Linguistic Atonement and Structural Oblivion: Penitence and Hegemony in White Kenyan Language Ideologies” Wednesday, November 2, 2011, 5-7 PM, Haines 352
Michael Lambek (Anthropology, University of Toronto) “Ethical Personhood as a Function of Language: Ordinary Entailments and Privileged Release” Wednesday, October 5, 2011, 5-7 PM, Haines 352
Harris Berger (Performance Studies, Texas A&M University) “The Valual Dimensions of Intentionality: A Phenomenological Approach to Meaning in Expressive Culture” Wednesday, April 27, 2011, 5-7 PM, Haines 352.
Mardi Kidwell (Communication, University of New Hampshire) “”Pulling a Fast One”: Object Teases in the Interactions of Very Young Children.” Wednesday, April 6, 2011.
Symposium on Legitimation Crises: Perspectives from Language, Interaction, and Culture. Friday, February 4, 2011. UCLA Faculty Center, California Room.
Clare MacMartin (Social and Applied Human Sciences, University of Guelph, Canada). “Treating Animals as If They Had Spoken: Empathic I Know in Veterinarians’ Pet-directed Talk.” Wednesday, October 27, 2010.
Action Ascription in Social Interaction Workshop (Jointly hosted by Max Planck Institute, Language and Cognition Group, and UCLA, CLIC) October 7-9, 2010. Speakers: Mirella Dapretto (UCLA Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences), Paul Drew (University of York, Sociology), Nick Enfield (MPI), John Heritage (UCLA Sociology), Kobin Kendrick (MPI), Saadi Lahlou (Institute of Social Psychology, London School of Economics), Stephen C. Levinson (MPI), Susan Perry (UCLA Anthropology), and Tanya Stivers (UCLA Sociology).
Stephen C. Levinson (Language and Cognition Group, Max Planck Institute, Nijmegen). “Action in Interaction.” 4 PM, Thursday, October 7, 2010. Herbert Morris Seminar Room, 306 Royce Hall.
Sixteenth Annual Conference on Language, Interaction, and Culture. May 6-8, 2010.
Webb Keane (Anthropology, University of Michigan) “Indexing Voice: A Morality Tale” April 21, 2010.
Eric Livingston (University of New England, Australia) “The Jurassic Technologies of Domain-Specific Reasoning” April 7, 2010.
Graham Jones (Princeton University) “But Where Can the Magic Hide Itself?: Hypothetical Reported Speech in the Training of Entertainment Magicians” February 17, 2010.
Richard Senghas (Anthropology/Linguistics, Sonoma State University) “Fragile Emergent Languages: Nicaraguan sign language as an example of a new classification of language endangerment” January 20, 2010.
Betsy Rymes (Education, University of Pennsylvania) “Mass Media as Grass Roots” October 14, 2009.
Paul Drew (Sociology, University of York) “Patients Initiating Talk about their Health Concerns” October 7, 2009.
John Haviland (Anthropology, UCSD) “Meta-Iconic Regimentation: Portability and Two Clines of Semiotic Motivation in an Emerging Manual Communication System in a Mayan Community” April 22, 2009.
Lorenza Mondada (Language Studies, University of Lyon) “Space Descriptions in Professional Interactions: A sequential and multimodal approach May 6, 2009.
Symposium on Race and Ethnicity in Language, Interaction, and Culture, February 27, 2009 at the UCLA Faculty Center. Invited speakers: John Baugh, Mary Bucholtz, Elaine Chun, Jane Hill, Lanita Jacobs-Huey, Adrienne Lo, Lauren Mason, Ben Rampton.
Anssi Peräkylä (Sociology, University of Helsinki) “Interpretation after Interpretation: Third Position Utterances in Psychoanalytic Interactions.” February 4, 2009.
Don Brenneis (Anthropology, UCSC): “Regimes of Recognition: Metrics, Models, and ‘Academic Charisma'” Thursday, January 15, 2009, 5 PM. Place: Haines 352.
Charles Goodwin (Applied Linguistics, UCLA): “Semiotic Agency Within a Framework of Cooperative Semiosis” November 5, 2008, 5 pm. Place: Haines 352.
The Fourteenth Annual Conference on Language, Interaction, and Culture, May 22-24, 2008, UCLA. Plenary speakers: Asif Agha, Kris Gutiérrez, Douglas Maynard, Suzanne Wertheim.
Laura Ahearn (Anthropology, Rutgers): “From Grammar to Love: Ergative Markers in Nepali Love Letters” April 2, 2008, 5 pm. Place: Haines 352.
Julie Gros-Louis (Department of Psychological and Brain Studies, Indiana University): “The Origins of Communication: Social Influences on Development.” February 27, 2008, 5 pm. Place: Haines 352.
Olga Yokoyama (Applied Linguistics, UCLA): “Gradations of Literacy: A Father and His Son in Rural 19th-Century Russia.” March 12, 2008, 5 pm. Place: Haines 352.
Jack Sidnell (Anthropology, University of Toronto) : “If-prefaced Repeats as Responses to Questions and Assessments in Caribbean Conversation.” January 23, 2008, 5pm. Place: Haines 352.
Marco Iacoboni (Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences, UCLA) : “Mirroring People: The Role of Mirror Neurons in Social Interactions., ” December 5, 2007, 5 pm. Place: Haines 352.
Sarah Bunin Benor (Contemporary Jewish Studies, Hebrew Union College) : ” Hyperaccommodation, Avoidance, and the ‘Bungee Effect’: Language Socialization Among Newly Orthodox Jews. ” November 14, 2007, 5 pm. Place: Haines 352.
Heidi Swank (Anthropology and Ethnic Studies, University of Nevada, Las Vegas) : “Spoken Tibetan, Written English: Communities of Practice and Linguistic Marketplaces in the Tibetan Diaspora of McLeod Ganj, India., ” October 3, 2007, 5pm. Place: Haines 352.
Geoffrey Raymond (Sociology, University of California, Santa Barbara) : “Sequence as a source of body behavior, body behavior as a resource for sequencing actions: the case of interjected action., “April 18, 2007, 5pm. Place: Haines 332.
Otto Santa Ana (Chicana and Chicano Studies, UCLA) : “Did you call in Mexican Today? The racial politics of Jay Leno jokes about the 2006 immigrant marches., “March 7, 2007, 5pm. Place: Haines 332.
Patricia Baquedano-Lopez, Shirley Brice-Heath, Penelope Brown, Matthew Burdelski, Haruko Cook, Lourdes de Leon, Patricia Duff, Ayala Fader, Debra Friedman, Paul Garrett, Marjorie H. Goodwin, Agnes He, Kathryn Howard, Leslie Moore, Angela Nonaka, Elinor Ochs, Olga Solomon, Laura Sterponi, Tanya Stivers, Akira Takada: CLIC SYMPOSIUM ON LANGUAGE SOCIALIZATION, INTERACTION AND CULTURE February 23-24, 2007. The California Room, UCLA Faculty Center.
Makoto Hayashi (East Asian Languages and Cultures, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) : “Marking ‘departure’ in talk: Eh-initiated turns in Japanese conversation, ” Febraury 7, 2007, 5pm. Place: Haines 332.
Nick Enfield (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen) : ” The paradox of being ordinary: The case of default person reference in Lao” , ” November 29, 2006, 5pm. Place: Haines 332.
Susan Perry (Anthropology, UCLA) : ” Capuchin Communication, ” October 11, 2006, 5pm. Place: Haines 332.
Norma Mendoza Denton (The University of Arizona & Stanford University) : “The Sociophonetics of Face-Threatening Behavior, or How to Lose your Cool with your Congressman., “Date & Time: May 10, 2006, 5pm. Place: Haines 332.
The 12th Annual Conference on Language, Interaction and Culture. Thursday, May 25-Saturday May 27, 2006. Plenary speakers: Mary Bucholtz, John Lucy, Geoffrey Raymond, Bambi B. Schieffelin.
Susan Speer (School of Psychological Sciences, Psychology Division, The University of Manchester) : “The interactional organization of appearance attributions in the psychiatric assessment of transsexual patients., “Date & Time: April 26, 2006, 5pm. Place: Haines 332.
Karen Aronsson, Aaron Cicourel, Steven Clayman, Paul Drew, Alessandro Duranti, Charles Goodwin, Christian Heath, John Heritage, Kris Gutierrez: CLIC Symposium on the language, interaction and culture of institutions.February 24, 2006, 8am-6pm. The California Room, UCLA Faculty Center.
Agnes Weiyun He (Department of Asian & Asian American Studies, SUNY-Stony Brook): “Title: Speaking the Heart: Toward an Identity Theory of Learning Chinese as a Heritage Language , “Date & Time: January 18, 2006, at 5pm. Place: Haines 332.
Mary Bucholtz (Department of Linguistics, University of California at Santa Barbara) : “Styling, quoting, and California youth identities in interaction, ” Date & Time: November 2, 2005, 5pm, Haines 332.
John M. Conley (University of North Carolina School of Law) : “Title: The Emerging Discourse of Corporate Social Responsibility, “Date & Time: June 8, 2005, 5pm, Haines 332.
Francesca Merlan and Alan Rumsey (Australian National University) : ” Some aspects of the use of speech-event models in social theory , ” Date & Time: February 23, 2005, 5pm, Haines 332.
John Heritage (Sociology, UCLA) : “Territories of Knowledge, Territories of Experience: (Not so) Empathic Moments in Interaction, ” Date & Time: February 2, 2005, 5pm, Haines 332.
Alessandro Duranti (Anthropology, UCLA) : “Orality with Attitude: On the Limits of Writing According to Samoan Speechmakers and American Jazz Musicians, ” Dec. 3, 2004, Haines 332, 10am.
Suzanne Wertheim (Northwestern University): “Linguistic Reflections of Nationalist Ideologies, ” March 10, 2004, Haines 332, 4pm.
Steven C. Levinson (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics): “Diversity in Human Spatial Cognition: Where Prehistory, Culture, Language and Biology Meet,” March 1, 2004.
Participants in the Symposium on Theories and Models of Language, Interaction and Culture, Feb. 27, 2004. (The Symposium Proceedings were published as a special issue of Discourse Studies, Vol. 7: 4-5, edited by Anjali Browning and Alessandro Duranti, 2005).
H. Samy Alim (Duke University): “‘My Steez, My Steelo’: An Interdisciplinary Exploration of the Language, Poetics, and Speech Styles of the Hip Hop Nation,” February 19, 2004, at 4PM.
Judith Irvine (University of Michigan): “Discourse at a Distance: Colonial Regimes of African Linguistic Demography,” February 6, 2004, at 10AM.
Sonja Lanehart (University of Georgia): “Sista Speak! Black Women Kinfolk Talk about Language and Literacy,” November 7, 2003.
Rukmini Bhaya Nair (Linguistics & English, Indian Institute of Technology, New Dehli): “A Chat Room of One’s Own: Youth Culture, Technology & the Evolution of English in India,” October 24, 2003.
Barbara LeMaster (CSU, Long Beach): “When, and How Does Gender Language Matter in Irish Sign Language, and in Multilingual/Multiethnic Preschools in Long Beach?,” October 10, 2003.
Steven Feld (University of New Mexico): “Nostalgia and Modernity: A Musical Interlude,” May 21, 2003.
Noriko Akatsuka (UCLA): “The Co-Construction of Counterfactuals Reasoning Revisited: A Study in Modality and Mental Spaces,” March 14, 2003.
Robin Shoaps (UCSB): “Morality in grammar and discourse: modal particles and evaluative stance-taking in Sakapultek wedding counsels,” February 21, 2003.
Jack Whalen (Systems and Practices Laboratory, Palo Alto Research Center): “Working Documents,” November 15, 2002.
John Schumann (UCLA): “The Evolution of Grammar,” October 18, 2002.
Benjamin Bailey (UMass, Amherst): “Developmental and Historical Time in Language and Negotiation of Identities: Some Findings among Dominican Americans”, April 5, 2002.
Sandra A. Thompson (UCSB): “Linguistic Practices for Self-Repair of Overstatement and Other Utterances Leading to Possible Misapprehension,” March 1, 2002.
Adam Kendon (Penn): “Semantic Themes in ‘Pragmatic Gestures’ in Neapolitan Speakers and Speakers of English,” February 15, 2002.
Ana Celia Zentella (UCSD): “Language Socialization Research: Promises and Pitfalls,” November 16, 2001.
Shirley Brice Heath (Stanford): Presentation and Graduate Student Workshop, April 27, 2001 (Sponsored by CLIC GSA).
Lourdes de León (CIESAS Sureste): “Placing the Soul: Language, Fear and Space in the Socialization of Zinacantec Children,” April 20, 2001.
Elizabeth Keating (University of Texas, Austin): “American Sign Language in Virtual Space,” March 16, 2001.
Geoff Raymond (University of York): “The Structure of Responding: Type-conforming and Nonconforming Responses to Yes/No Type Interrogatives,” February 16, 2001.
Steven Clayman and John Heritage (UCLA): “Questioning Presidents: Journalistic Deference and Adversarialness in the Press Conferences of Eisenhower and Reagan,” January 19, 2001.
Lanita Jacobs-Huey (USC): “Epistemological Deliberations: Constructing and Contesting Knowledge in Women’s Cross-Cultural Hair Testimonies,” December 4, 2000.
Kathryn Woolard (UCSD):”The Origins of Spanish: A 17th Century Intrigue of Language, Religion and Race,” October 27, 2000.
Paul V. Kroskrity (UCLA): “Performing Identities against a Field of Language Shift and Language Ideological Change,” May 12, 2000.
Gene H. Lerner and Don H. Zimmerman (UCSB): “Action and the Appearance of Action in the Conduct of Very Young Children,” April 28, 2000.
Fred Erickson (UCLA): “Slippery Footing and Whiffs of Racializing in Medical Discourse,” February 11, 2000.
Paul Drew (University of York): “An Exercise in Comparative Analysis of Institutional Talk: The Case of Formulations,” January 28, 2000.
William Labov (Penn): “Can Reading Failure Be Reversed? Some Positive Indications,” January 28, 2000.
Paul B. Garrett (CSU Long Beach): “‘You spit in the air, it fall on your nose’: Language Socialization and the Dynamics of Language Change in St. Lucia, West Indies,” December 3, 1999.
Bambi B. Schieffelin (NYU): “Reshaping Languages and Persons: Metalinguistic Innovations and Ethnopragmatic Obstacles,” October 22, 1999.
Dan I. Slobin and Nini Hoiting (UC Berkeley): “Variations in Child-Directed Speech as a Guide to Language Form and Use,” October 15, 1999.