Preparing an Abstract
**This page is not applicable to speakers invited to participate in Conference, Symposium, or Workshop events**
If you are an invited CLIC Colloquium Speaker, we will begin advertising your event approximately one month prior to your talk. At that time, the CLIC Coordinator will prompt you to send a title and brief abstract of your talk along a photo of yourself you’d like us to use for creating a flyer/poster.
Please be sure that your abstract is broadly understandable and relevant to a wide range of language and social interaction scholars. Flyer/posters will be distributed to UCLA faculty and graduate students in the departments of Anthropology, Sociology, Communication, and Asian Languages and Cultures, among others, and circulated to subscribers on our electronic mailing list.
A few examples of CLIC Colloquium advertisements are provided below. You can click on each image to make it larger.