Simultaneity in Action Symposium: Celebrating the Careers of Charles and Marjorie Goodwin
UCLA Alumni Center 325 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States2017 Program
2017 Program
Registration is still open for the 2017 CLIC Symposium: Simultaneity in Action, Celebrating the Careers of Charles and Marjorie Goodwin. You can register here and find event information here.
REGISTRATION CLOSED This event has reached capacity. However, registration is still open for CLIC's "Simultaneity in Action Symposium: Celebrating the Careers of Charles and Marjorie Goodwin"
CLIC Colloquium with Anita Pomerantz Professor Emerita, Communication University of Albany, State University of New York
Please note that this event will be held in Haines Hall 279 CLIC Colloquium with Lori Labotka Professor of Anthropology Indiana University of Pennsylvania