Events for January 20, 2021 - February 9, 2022
Steven Clayman — Asking About Bias: Addressing the Sensitivities of Voir Dire Questioning
**Details to be posted soonProfessor Steven Clayman Department of Sociology, UCLA
Norma Mendoza-Denton — Teaching Language and Politics in the Trump Era*
Zoom: Password: CLICThis CLIC presentation is a collaboration between members of the class “Language and Politics,” and is meant as a pedagogical meditation on the way in which we are collaboratively learning […]
Colloquium: Lynn Hou, 5/13/2020
**POSTPONED**(University of California, Santa Barbara, Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics) This event has been postponed until further notice.
26th Annual Student Conference on Language, Interaction, and Culture
**CANCELLED*******Given the high number of participants traveling both internationally and domestically, and the warnings issued against non-essential travel in light of the outbreak of COVID-19, the 26th Annual Conference on […]
Colloquium: Dan Jurafsky, 4/22/2020
**RESCHEDULED. Details to be posted soon.(Stanford University, Professor in Humanities, Professor and Chair of Linguistics, Professor of Computer Science)
Colloquium: Shannon Ward
Haines 352 375 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, United States(University of British Columbia, Assistant Professor, Anthropology)
Efrén Pérez (Professor of Political Science and Psychology, UCLA)
The UCLA Dept of Sociology's Gender & Sexuality Working Group and CLIC will be co-sponsoring a talk by Efrén Pérez (Professor of Political Science and Psychology, UCLA) titled, "Words That Matter: […]
Symposium on Processes of Inclusion and Exclusion in Interaction
Royce Hall 10745 Dickson Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United StatesInclusion is a topic that permeates discussions as diverse as those surrounding education and health policies, political participation, and language choice. However, much of this discussion is ideological and involves […]
Colloquium: Zhou Yu, 2/12/2020
Haines 279 375 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles(Assistant Professor, Computer Science, UC-Davis)