Colloquium: Dan Jurafsky, 4/22/2020
**RESCHEDULED. Details to be posted soon.(Stanford University, Professor in Humanities, Professor and Chair of Linguistics, Professor of Computer Science)
(Stanford University, Professor in Humanities, Professor and Chair of Linguistics, Professor of Computer Science)
(University of British Columbia, Assistant Professor, Anthropology)
The UCLA Dept of Sociology's Gender & Sexuality Working Group and CLIC will be co-sponsoring a talk by Efrén Pérez (Professor of Political Science and Psychology, UCLA) titled, "Words That Matter: […]
Inclusion is a topic that permeates discussions as diverse as those surrounding education and health policies, political participation, and language choice. However, much of this discussion is ideological and involves […]
(Assistant Professor, Computer Science, UC-Davis)
(Northeastern University, Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Studies)
Join us as we learn about our exciting new CLIC visitors! Featuring: Josua Damen (PhD Student), MacQuarie University, Australia Yumei Gan (Phd Student), Chinese University of Hong Kong Julia […]
Join us for our annual reception, a time to catch up with colleagues and friends and to meet our new students and visitors! Please check your email for the event […]
(UCLA Postdoctoral Researcher) "Navigating Social life in the Classroom Through an Emergent Communication System" **Please note the time and location change