LISO/CLIC Conference
McCune Conference Room Humanities and Social Sciences Building 6020, UC Santa Barbara[…]
"Globalization and intercultural contact: The mattering and production of difference across the mediatized centre-periphery divide"
"Praising, Criticizing and Preference: Insights from Parent-Teacher Interaction" Conversation analytic research on “preference organization” empirically demonstrates that human interaction is organized to promote social affiliation at the expense of conflict. […]
Speaking in honor of John Gumperz. Reception to follow.
"Searching for Proper Names: the Return of Denotation in Transidiomatic Interactions." Mobile people and digital technologies are transforming late-modern communication, increasing social interactions between people who lack shared language and […]
"Paper Democracy: Introducing the Filing System in the Post-War Japanese Prosecutor's Office" “The Democratization of Office Work: From Daifukuchō to the Filing System” Nōritsudō, 17(11):13-14, 1950) This presentation provides a semiotic […]