Events for April 10, 2024 - April 25
CLIC Workshop: Adopting affective stances in interaction
Adopting Affective Stances in Interaction February 1-2, 2024 In this workshop, we will collectively examine many of the resources that speakers rely on to display emotional stances (positive or negative) […]
Gus Cooney (The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania)
Title: A New Social Psychology of Conversation Abstract: Scholars from a variety of fields are increasingly interested in the study of conversation. However, advancing the science of conversation requires more […]
CLIC Annual Reception
Welcome back! The CLIC Annual Reception will take place on October the 6th, 2023. Register for this event here.
CLIC Workshop on Managing Competing Demands in Interaction: Identity, Cognition, and Affiliation
Organized by Giovanni Rossi (Department of Sociology, UCLA) and Tanya Stivers (Department of Sociology, UCLA) When we interact with others, we juggle many competing pressures. We must both comprehend and […]
Alexandra Paxton (Psychological Sciences – U. Connecticut)
Dynamical, situated, wild: Attempts to capture the glorious mess of social interaction Alexandra Paxton, University of Connecticut April 12, 5pm Social interaction is a glorious mess of multimodal communication embedded within […]