Title: A New Social Psychology of Conversation
Abstract: Scholars from a variety of fields are increasingly interested in the study of conversation. However, advancing the science of conversation requires more than novel empirical findings. We also need curated datasets, new theoretical frameworks, and methodological refinements—an essential “infrastructure” that is currently lacking. In this talk, I highlight several of my recent initiatives in building this infrastructure: developing one of the largest public datasets of naturalistic conversation, the CANDOR corpus; an extensive review paper synthesizing the wide-ranging interdisciplinary history of conversation research; and new methodological techniques for effectively segmenting transcripts into turns at scale. Such innovations are crucial for bridging the gap between the micro-level dynamics of turn-by-turn conversation and the macro-level psychological judgments and impressions that result from interaction. Ultimately, these developments in data, theory, and methodology represent critical steps in the journey towards establishing a new social psychology of conversation.
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